Currently there are silos thinking in the approach of governance of DR3. DR3 measures are often managed in isolation from broader sustainability efforts, challenging the overall progress of SDGs. The success of the SDGs and the Sendai Framework will thus, in part, be measured by the progress in implementing disaster risk reduction in rational and inclusive ways to build equitable resilience.
Re-Energize DR3 project provides a rare opportunity to explore a theme that is generally the focus of public and private business yet rarely the topic of shared dialogue. Former DR3 governance models are becoming less tolerated; yet it need to be set with a public policy framework, based on shared dialogue between stakeholders to build healthier pre- and post- disasters governance.
The lack of a systemic and integrated approach, which combines quantitative and qualitative methods results in missed opportunities to promote synergies between both processes. This project tries to link cutting edge modelling approaches using artificial intelligence, machine learning with stakeholders’ engagement to have a deep and comprehensive overview of the possibilities for prevention of disasters and resilience.
The transdisciplinary process undertaken in Re-Energize DR3 project will produce an innovative integrated toolbox with diagnosis instruments and systematically eliciting expert views to contribute evidence to governments’ plans for disaster risk reduction, and developing response processes that integrate a normative institutional approach to support the legitimacy of any given intervention of policies intended to enhance the resilience of communities. Achieving equitable DR3 therefore means creating governance tools and processes that support sustainable and equitable disaster risk-sharing, retention and financial protection across global supply chains.
Re-Energize DR3 will address the interactions between disasters and sustainable development for effective disaster risk management and assessment of risk factors due to
human activities, including climate change. It emphasizes the central role of communities in the governance of DR3 , bringing in equity as a core element of DR3 .
Please stay tuned!
