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Re-Energize DR3 Governance for Sustainable Development: Bringing Perspectives from Islands and Coastal areas to COP26

9 Nov 2021

Re-Energize DR3 Governance for Sustainable Development: Bringing Perspectives from Islands and Coastal areas to COP26
Date and time: Nov 9, 2021 01:00 PM London
Duration 1.5 hours

The fair implementation of the SDGs, Climate change agenda and Sendai Framework requires multilevel and multilateral social-technological solutions with tight stakeholders’ engagement across governance levels. Re-Energize DR3 is a project funded by Belmont Forum’s first disaster - focused funding call DR3 CRA Joint Research, which was supported by funders from UK (UKRI), US (NSF), Qatar (QNRF), Japan (JST) bringing together researchers from seven countries and four continents, in partnership with a diverse range of stakeholders from islands and coastal areas worldwide. Re-Energize DR3 is lead by UCL Islands Research Laboratory and aims to take a nexus-informed scientific approach combined with stakeholders ‘ engagement to identify effective policies and regulations to channel actions and changes and enable equitable disaster risk reduction and resilience in development planning and development programmes. You will hear directly insights on efforts on disaster risk reduction and resilience from experts in islands (The Bahamas and Mauritius) and coastal cities (Marceio and Accra). The event seeks to generate a space for dialogue to highlight the importance of vulnerable communities in the achievement of climate commitments in a context of fair implementation.

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Islands & Coastal Research (ICR) Laboratory is formed of multidisciplinary researchers coming from different backgrounds (economics, mathematics, engineering, computer science, architecture, social science, anthropology, biology)

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