Ranger Ruffins
Belmont Re-Energize DR3 Project
M.A. City and Regional Planning
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Ranger Ruffins is a Master's student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC), pursuing a degree in City and Regional Planning. Her area of focus is land use and environmental planning with a specific interest in resilience in the face of natural hazard disasters and the ability for cities to adapt to the effects of a changing climate. She earned her BA in Environmental Studies in 2016 where she grew interested in the nexus between environmental challenges, social justice, and human well-being. To bridge these interests, Ranger studied Global Development Studies in Uganda for a semester and spent a summer at the UNC Galapagos Science Center. After graduating, Ranger worked in New York as the Environment Program Assistant at The Overbrook Foundation, working on grant development for the foundation’s environment portfolio.