Nathanial Matthews
International Advisory Board
Belmont Re-Energize DR3 Project
Nathanial (Nate) Matthews is Director of Programs at the Global Resilience Partnership where he leads GRP’s resilience investments with oversight across the technical work teams including: Innovation and Scaling and Design and Impact. Previous to this, he was Principal Scientist and Global Research Coordinator at the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems. He has 16 years’ experience spanning over 30 countries. He has contributed to numerous international forums including as a lead author in the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), an IPCC Expert Reviewer, an advisory board member of the Economist Sustainability Summit, a member of the Expert working group on Adaptation and Resilience at Climate Bonds Initiative and as a working group member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Risk Report. Nate holds a PhD in Geography from King’s College London and has published two books and authored over 55 scientific publications and reports.
Twitter Account: @Nate_Matthews_