Albert Butare
International Advisory Board
Belmont Re-Energize DR3 Project
Dr Albert Butare, a former Minister of State for Infrastructure in the Republic of Rwanda, has over thirty years of energy, water, and communication experience in Africa.
Post his Ministerial engagement, Dr Butare has been assisting a number of countries directly or under bilateral or multilateral cooperation support from various Institutions including the World Bank, European Union Commission, African Development Bank, UNDESA, UN Economic Commission for Africa, etc on policy and strategy related to energy and climate change aspects. Major focus has been on sustainable energy for all initiatives including development of action agenda and investment prospectuses, as well as climate change policies and strategies, development of NDCs, NAMAs, BURs and National Communication Reports for. Number of countries in Africa.
As a Co-Chair of the Bonn led Energy, Water, and Food Security Nexus process that was one of the key contributions from the Germany Government to the Rio Sustainable development summit in 2012, Dr Butare participated did contribute to the development of the SDGs.
A winner of the East Africa Power Industry Convention 2014/15 Award as an outstanding Individual that has strongly contributed to the development of power sector in the region, a winner of the U.K. based 2002 Ashden Foundation’s International Award for Renewable Energies and a Power Elite/Personality of the year 2018 recognized by ESI Africa Magazine’s African Power Elites 2018 edition.
Dr Butare is currently a CEO of Africa Energy Services Group Ltd based in Kigali, Rwanda, with branches in Dar es salaam., Tanzania, Nairobi, Kenya, and Maseru, Lesotho on climate change related matters.